Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric Suppliers

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Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric, Cotton Clothes Fabrics

Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric is a polyester fabric with excellent waterproof properties. This fabric is treated with a special process that gives it excellent waterproof and breathable properties, allowing it to stay dry and comfortable in humid or rainy environments. Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric is lightweight, soft and smooth to the touch. It is not only easy to wear, but also has good wear resistance and can withstand the test of daily use. In addition, it has excellent anti-wrinkle properties and can quickly return to its original shape even after prolonged wear or folding.
Cotton Clothes Fabrics is a natural fiber material. After processing, the clothing fabrics made are soft and skin-friendly, have strong moisture absorption, and are very comfortable to wear. Cotton fabric also has good breathability, which can help the body stay dry and avoid stuffiness.


Jiaxing City Zhouye Textile Co., Ltd.
We are China OEM/ODM Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric Suppliers and Custom Cotton Clothes Fabrics Exporters. As a family-owned plant operating for over 20 years, our company is primarily focused on the production of Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric, Cotton Clothes Fabrics, polyester nylon fabrics and linings for outdoor functional clothing lines, women's silk lines, jacquard luggage fabrics, and outdoor goods. We now have 300 self-owned water jet looms and 100 matching twisters. At the same time, we also accept custom orders from foreign customers. Welcome to visit our factory in China.
Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric Industry knowledge

What are the primary properties that make Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric suitable for outdoor applications?

Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric possesses several key properties that make it well-suited for outdoor applications:
Waterproofing: The fabric is treated with waterproofing agents or coatings that prevent water from penetrating its surface, keeping the wearer dry and comfortable even in wet conditions.
Durability: Polyester Pongee fabric is known for its strength and resilience, making it capable of withstanding the rigors of outdoor use such as abrasion, tearing, and stretching.
Lightweight: Despite its durability, Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric remains relatively lightweight, allowing for ease of movement and comfort during outdoor activities.
Breathability: While being waterproof, the fabric also retains a level of breathability, allowing moisture and heat to escape from the body, thus preventing the buildup of sweat and maintaining comfort.
Quick-drying: Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric dries quickly after exposure to moisture, which is essential for outdoor activities where prolonged dampness can lead to discomfort and potential health issues.

How does Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric perform in terms of resistance to UV radiation and color fading over time?

Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric typically offers good resistance to UV radiation and color fading over time, especially when compared to natural fabrics like cotton. However, the exact level of UV resistance and colorfastness can vary depending on factors such as the specific manufacturing process, quality of dyes used, and any additional treatments applied to the fabric.
Here are some key points regarding its performance in terms of UV resistance and color fading:
UV Resistance: Polyester itself is inherently resistant to UV radiation. Additionally, many Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabrics are treated with UV inhibitors during the manufacturing process to enhance their resistance to sunlight. This treatment helps to minimize damage from UV exposure, which can cause fading, weakening of fibers, and degradation of the fabric over time.
Color Fading: While Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric generally holds color well over time, prolonged exposure to sunlight can still cause some degree of fading, particularly in bright or intense colors. The extent of fading can vary depending on factors such as the intensity and duration of sunlight exposure, the quality of dyes used, and whether any additional UV protection treatments have been applied to the fabric.
Maintenance: Proper care and maintenance can also play a significant role in preserving the color and UV resistance of Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric. Washing the fabric according to manufacturer instructions, avoiding harsh detergents or bleach, and storing items away from direct sunlight when not in use can all help to prolong the vibrancy and longevity of the fabric.