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How to identify the quality of Combined Polyester Fabric based on appearance?


In the textile market, Combined Polyester Fabric is deeply loved by consumers for its unique combination of properties, such as wear resistance, wrinkle resistance, and easy care. However, facing a wide range of products, how to preliminarily judge the quality of composite polyester fabrics based on appearance alone has become a concern for many consumers.

1. Observe the flatness and glossiness of the fabric surface
The surface of high-quality Combined Polyester Fabric should be flat and smooth, without obvious unevenness or wrinkles. This is because during the composite process, the fabric needs to be precisely pressed and finished to ensure that the layers of material are tightly combined and the appearance is neat. At the same time, good gloss is also a sign of high-quality Combined Polyester Fabric. The natural and soft gloss not only makes the fabric look more upscale, but also reflects the fineness of its production process.

2. Check the color and uniformity of the fabric
Color is the impression of the fabric and one of the important indicators for judging its quality. The color of high-quality Combined Polyester Fabric should be bright, full and uniform. Consumers can carefully observe the surface of the fabric to see if there is color difference, color spots or uneven color. If the color of the fabric is unevenly distributed, it is likely that the dyeing process is not up to standard or inferior dyes are used. Such fabrics are prone to fading, discoloration and other problems during use.

3. Touch the feel and elasticity of the fabric
The feel is an important sensory basis for judging the quality of the fabric. High-quality Combined Polyester Fabric should feel soft and comfortable, with the stiffness of polyester fiber and a certain elasticity. Consumers can gently touch the surface of the fabric to feel its fineness and softness. At the same time, you can also try to pull a corner of the fabric to observe its rebound. If the fabric rebounds quickly and returns to flatness, it means that it has good elasticity, tight structure and high quality.

4. Observe the texture and pattern of the fabric
Combined Polyester Fabric often forms rich textures and patterns through printing, embossing and other processes. Consumers can judge its quality by observing the clarity, fineness and whether these textures and patterns are closely integrated with the fabric. The texture and pattern of high-quality composite polyester fabrics should be clearly identifiable, brightly colored and not easy to fall off. At the same time, the pattern and fabric should be closely combined, without obvious delamination or blistering.

5. Check the edges and seams of the fabric
The edges and seams of the fabric are also important details for judging its quality. The edges of high-quality Combined Polyester Fabric should be neat, without burrs or damage. At the same time, the seams should be firm, flat and even. Consumers can carefully check the edges and seams of the fabric to see if there are problems such as thread derailment, skipped stitches or uneven sewing. These problems not only affect the appearance of the fabric, but may also affect its service life and durability.

6. Refer to brand and certification information
Although appearance identification can only be used as a basis for preliminary judgment, consumers should also pay attention to its brand and certification information when choosing Combined Polyester Fabric. Well-known brands usually have more complete production processes and quality control systems, and their product quality is more guaranteed. At the same time, some international or domestic quality certification marks, such as ISO certification, environmental protection marks, etc., are also important bases for judging fabric quality.